Libs cut to migration shows one thing - they'll do nothing about infrastructure

Libs cut to migration shows one thing - they’ll do nothing about infrastructure When it was increasingly looking like the rate of infrastructure development was too slow, NSW premier Gladys Berejiklian had a classic Liberal play up her sleeves: blame the immigrants. Of course it doesn’t matter that the immigrants aren’t to blame. It doesn’t matter that migration rates are right on projections based on a stable rate of migration for the last 8 years. ...

Old growth logging to be banned in NSW, replaced with increased plantations

Old growth logging to be banned in NSW, replaced with increased plantations The James Jansson Team formally announces it will end old growth forest logging in NSW. James Jansson, lead candidate, said “Our team acknowledges the important part the timber industry plays in Australia. In fact, we expect timber product demand to increase, as society shifts way from plastics in the consumer sector. We also expect the popularity of cross-laminated timber used in new wooden ‘skyscrapers’ to increase, meaning we need a lot more timber. ...

How to vote for the James Jansson Team for NSW

How to vote for the James Jansson Team for NSW We’re column S - all the way to the second from the right - in the Legislative Council ballot paper (upper house). We have our how-to-vote cards ready for you to view (more instructions below about preferences!) Please make sure you use your preferences, to maximise the power of your vote. Voting “1” above the vote doesn’t mean that your vote automatically gets passed along if your chosen group doesn’t get elected. ...

Pokies to be banned by 2022

James Jansson Team for the NSW upper house to blow up the pokies Today the James Jansson Team for NSW announces that it will completely abolish pokies from all non-casino venues (pubs and clubs) by 1st January 2022. The policy of complete abolition is the strongest policy of any group running for parliament in NSW. “For too long, state governments under both Labor and Liberal have been addicted to pokies revenue, so they can say that the trains run on time” said lead candidate, James Jansson. ...

Live music is an economic, social and cultural asset

Perhaps I’m naive, but I did not anticipate the NSW government’s latest move in the war on live music. We have people offering their services to test pills at festivals, but our Premier Gladys Berejiklian doesn’t like that idea. So, instead, we’re getting complex, onerous new regulations for music festivals (some details have been reported). A few festivals have cancelled their 2019 events, citing the large cost of compliance with the new regulations as the reason for shutting down. ...